Free Consultation Valued at $395

Here’s how smart business owners are making some serious profits regardless of the economic climate.

Despite this talk of global financial meltdowns, there are plenty of local businesses are making serious profit increases with simple techniques anyone can apply. For example, Trixie Wilson, owner of The Latex Mattress Factory grew her business from 1 store to 3 stores in the past six months. Russ Colpoys’ Awards & Trophies business has had a massive 64% increase in sales over the same period of last year (back when there was no talk of a recession).

What have these people (and many others) got in common?

The answer is simple. They have help in areas they are not proficient in. They have a coach. When you think about it, every Olympic athlete has a coach – and have done for years. That’s how they got to the top of their field. And yet, they know their sport intimately – they know every shot or stroke backwards. And even though they are world class, they know the value of having a professional guide them to achieve new heights.

Let’s face up to the facts… in business people who earn ten times as much as you, don’t work ten times harder. They work smarter. But think about this, all business owners will at some point, get legal advice from solicitors – they’ll get tax advice from an accountant, a web designer to build their website etc., etc., and yet 98% of businesses owners do their marketing themselves without any training whatsoever.

One of the cold, hard facts of business is that those who employ specialists to tackle areas they have little experience in, are the ones who leave their competitors in the dust wondering what happened just as Trixie Wilson and Russ Colpoys have done.

So here’s a question for you…

Do you have a professionally prepared business plan for the next twelve months? If you answered YES, that’s great – do you have a marketing plan? Most people don’t and that’s why their marketing is hit and miss and usually ineffective – they waste a lot of time, effort and money finding out what doesn’t work.

The Unfair Advantage specialises in helping businesses market better and developing plans for solid growth in the future. Having conducted well over 4000 consultations with business owners, it is not unusual to find potential growth of 50% or more. In 90 minutes we’ll show you how to leverage your business so you make more money with less effort giving you more time and cash to enjoy the finer things in life. And surely, that’s what owning a business is all about, isn’t it?

These consultations cover areas like:

  • The 4 proven ways to INSTANTLY increase cash flow
  • The 7 keys to DOUBLING profits in under 6 months
  • How to avoid wasting time and money on ineffective marketing
  • No cost ways to significantly increase revenue

These consultations are valued at $295 but this month we’re waiving that fee for the first 20 inquiries. That means there is no cost or obligation so you’ve got nothing to lose. If you’re serious about finding out what you can do to make serious money this year, complete your details below and we’ll call you to set a time for your free consultation. They are done over the phone so you can be anywhere in Australia.

To book a free consultation, please contact us.

Here’s what others have achieved through this process:

“We increased our advertising response by 67%”

Peter Macdonald, Canberra

“Our quote win ratio jumped from 20% to 70% in a matter of weeks!”

Wayne Moore, roofing contractor, Gold Coast.

“Our sales doubled in 3 months with simple ideas anyone can use”

Corey Armstrong, sign company, Adelaide.

“We grew his company from $396,000 turnover to over $5 million, and made BRW’s ‘100 Fastest Growing Private Companies’ three years running with growth rates of 182%, 187% and 192% in three successive years”

David Watson, telecommunications company, Brisbane.

“We increased our forward bookings from $20,000 to $400,000 in just 28 days and had a massive 1419% increase in Net Profit”

John Rowland, Retaining wall builder, Adelaide.

“We trebled the number of quotes we were winning and doubled our profits in six months”,

Pat Graham, landscaper, Tasmania.

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